Advertising, Technology & the Future of Media

Advertising, Technology & the Future of Media (ATFM) analyzes how new technologies are transforming the advertising industry and the global media business.

CCCHeader400ATFM is a joint project of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute of the Open University of Catalonia, the Barcelona Media Center at the University Pompeu Fabra, and the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center, led by Annenberg Professers Manuel Castells and Martin Kaplan.

FutureofTVA global crisis in the advertising industry, largely linked to the impact of the Internet, is transforming the business model of media industries, the content they create and distribute, and the audiences who consume that content.

Download The Future of TV monograph by visiting Annenberg scholar Merixel Roca Sales and Radar Research’s Marissa Gluck.

New technology has transformed the global media environment from one organized around passive media consumption to a far more complex environment — mobile, multitasking, on-demand — where consumers have more control over where, when and how they interact with media.

As advertisers and media companies grapple with the new opportunities and challenges, the handful of companies that measure the reach and impact of advertising are experimenting with new methods of measurement made possible by digital technology.


In June 2009, Lear Center director Marty Kaplan and deputy director Johanna Blakley delivered a research presentation, The Business and Culture of Social Media: In Search of the People Formerly Known as the Audience, to a distinguished group at Barcelona Media Center.

In 2010, Professor Kaplan was a visiting professor at UOC in Barcelona, where he delivered a public lecture and four private seminars.

Entertainment in a Digital Context


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